Designed by
Antoine Predock Architect. This house examines the relationship between land and water; it deals with the timeless aspect of Los Angeles - not the topical. Every possible intervention has been tried in L.A. in an attempt to transform it, to divert it away from its original landscape. This house turns its back on the land, on the interventions. It focuses instead on the ocean by setting up a series of vantage points that have to do only with the ocean and the imagined realms beyond. In the entry, the divergent lines of the granite ‘runway’ reverse the perspective, space is collapsed and the ocean brought closer.
At the end of the runway is an eight-by-fourteen-foot aperture; its red, one-ton glazed frame rotates on roller bearings. When open , the rush of the sea, the smell, the sound, the wind permeates the house in a remarkable way.

Substantial materials establish the foreground on the ocean side. The black granite monolith is powerfully rooted but appears to dissolve behind a film of recirculated water. Viewed from within the water meets the stone and merges visually with the ocean beyond - manifesting a critical original primordial connection.
The seismic armature that seizes and frames views from within the house is poured-in-place concrete. Different levels of the house align with openings in the armature. It is akin to bones along the shore-the skeleton of some giant creature.

Immediately adjacent to the red-glazed frame is a three by seven by three foot subtraction from the four foot thick armature. One can stand in this space and gaze through a three quarter by twelve inch deep fragment of glass that was cast into the concrete. Through the glass is a kaleidoscopic view of the ocean
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