Leven Betts Architects have designed this 2000 sf CC01 House located on 8 acres of farm land in Columbia County,New York. The linear ratterns of farming that preexisted the project set the forms and programmatic organization of the house and landscape. The design follows the direction and module of the crop lines that are still created by the machinery used to work the land.
These lines then became markings on the siding of the house and paving patterns of the patios. Other components of the house such as the kitchen counter and the outdoor BBQ counter also follow the linear pattern of the landscape becoming elongated hovering volumes.

Additionally, the section of the house follows the contour of the land as it steps up from east to west in the long outdoor terrace and again between the dining and living spaces of the house. In this way, the house follows the landscape and topography both in plan and in section.
Several other elements follow the linear crop diagram, such as the horizontally oriented corrugated-metal siding; patio paving patterns; plantings around the house; the punched windows on the long elevations and adjacent horizontal streaks of flat panels; and the attenuated retaining walls, which are extensions of the long walls of the foundation.

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